PEDro advanced searches検索のための選択メニュー一覧
- No Selection (選択なし)
- Acupuncture (鍼治療)
- behaviour modification (行動変容法)
- education (教育)
- electrotherapies, heat and cold (電気治療、温熱寒冷療法)
- fitness training (体力調整トレーニング)
- health promotion (健康増進)
- hydrotherapy, balneotherapy (水治療法、温泉療法)
- neurodevelopmental therapy, neurofacilitation (神経発達的治療、神経促通法)
- orthoses, taping, splinting (装具、テーピング、スプリント)
- respiratory therapy (呼吸療法)
- skill training (巧緻性トレーニング)
- strength training (筋力強化トレーニング)
- stretching, mobilization, manipulation, massage (ストレッチング、モビライゼーション、徒手療法、マッサージ)
- (no appropriate value in this field) (この枠に妥当な項目はなし)
- No Selection
- difficulty with sputum clearance (排痰困難)
- frailty (虚弱性)
- impaired ventilation (換気障害)
- incontinence (失禁)
- motor incoordination (運動失調)
- muscle shortening, reduced joint compliance (筋短縮、関節機能低下)
- muscle weakness (筋力弱化)
- oedema (浮腫)
- pain (痛み)
- reduced exercise tolerance (運動耐用性低下)
- reduced work tolerance (労働耐久性低下)
- skin lesion, wound, burn (皮膚病変、創傷、熱傷)
- (no appropriate value in this field) (この枠に妥当な項目はなし)
- No Selection (選択なし)
- cardiothoracics (心胸部)
- continence & womens health (失禁と婦人保健)
- ergonomics and occupational health (人間工学と産業保健)
- gerontology (老年学)
- musculoskeletal (筋骨格系)
- neurology (神経学)
- orthopaedics (整形外科学)
- paediatrics (小児科学)
- sports (スポーツ)
- (no appropriate value in this field) (この枠に妥当な項目はなし)
Body Part(身体部位):(プルダウンメニュー)
- No Selection (選択なし)
- head or neck (頭部、頚部)
- upper arm, shoulder or shoulder girdle (上腕部、肩部、肩甲帯部)
- forearm or elbow (前腕部、肘部)
- hand or wrist (手部、手関節部)
- chest (胸郭部)
- thoracic spine (胸椎部)
- lumbar spine, sarco-iliac joint or pelvis (腰椎部、仙腸関節部、骨盤部)
- perineum or genito-urinary system (会陰部、生殖器・尿器系)
- thigh or hip (大腿部、股関節部)
- lower leg or knee (下腿部、膝部)
- foot or ankle (足部、足関節部)
- (no appropriate value in this field) (この枠に妥当な項目はなし)
- No Selection (選択なし)
- clinical trial (臨床試験)
- review (総説)
- practice guidelines (臨床指針)
Score of at least (評点の下限)( /10):(手入力)
Published since (year)(発行年をいつから有効とするか):(手入力)
When Searching(検索時条件):(選択)
- Match all search terms (AND) (すべての用語条件を満たす検索)
- Match any search term (OR) (いずれかの用語条件を含めばよい検索)
Retern ( ) records at a time:(一度に表示する登録資料の数)
Start Search:(検索開始の場合、押す)